Society for the History of Sciences and Technology
The events organized by the Society or under its auspices are reported on the Czech webpage. The international events have their dedicated Internet presentations in English. The most recent are:
Workshop Geometry in Society: A Historical Perspective traditionally held under the auspices of the Society is organized by two members of the Society committee, Helena Durnová and Jan Kotůlek at Masaryk University in Brno.
Call for nominations for the 12th annual Zdeněk Horský Prize for the best thesis on the history of science, technology and education for the years 2022-2023.
About the Society
The Society brings together researchers interested in the history of scientific and theoretical technical disciplines, regardless of their professional background. It is governed by a Chairperson, Dr Karel Černý (1. Faculty of Medicine, Charles University) for the period 2021—2025, who heads an elected committee (currently consisting of nine members). Otherwise, its supreme body is the General Assembly of members. Members can participate in the work of sections and branches.
The Society
- represents the Czech scientific community in international institutions, in particular the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science (IUHPST) and its Division for the History of Science and Technology (DHST).
- publishes the peer-reviewed scientific journal History of Science and Technology (Dějiny věd a techniky) with more than fifty years of tradition
- awards the annual Zdeněk Horský Prize for the best thesis on the history of science, technology and education.
Journal "History of Sciences and Technology"
The scientific peer-reviewed journal History of Science and Technology, published since 1968, is the successor to the yearbook Proceedings for the History of Natural Sciences and Technology (1954-1967). The journal focuses mainly on original articles on the history of natural and exact sciences, technology and related sciences. It is published with the support of the Council of Scientific Societies of the Czech Republic as a member journal of SDVT.
It publishes the latest results of original research in the form of articles, includes discussion papers on the subject and material communications, and supplements them with reviews of published works or their brief annotations in the News from Literature section, and in the Chronicle section it informs about recent events in the field held in the Czech Republic or attended by Czech historians.
Zdeněk Horský Prize for the best thesis
The full regulations in Czech are available at the dedicated Zdeněk Horský Prize website.
Society for the History of Science and
Institute of History of Charles University
and Archives of Charles University
trh 560/5, Prague 1, 116 36
If you wish to get in touch with the Society for the History of Sciences and Technology, you can send an email to the Scientific Secretary: milada.sekyrkova(at)
Czech Digital Data Box Address: acivvb2